Sunday, November 30, 2008

Fall fun

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So after the glove incident at the zoo the other day, I bought Bella a pair of simple pink gloves. They quickly became her favorite new accessory! Many morning she wakes up and wants them on immediately. PJs + gloves = JOY!

Our precious friends, Kathryn and Sophie came to visit the other day. The girls spent a lot of their time playing and jumping on the couch... only resulting in 2 falls!

Hangin' with Apollo licking the window!
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with our family! It was perfect... food, family, fun games & football (I had to add that in for Marc!)

As soon as our Thanksgiving festivities were over, I was ready to put all my Christmas stuff up. I love getting our decorations out & up.... but not as much as Bella! She was so excited about all the decorations and had to cuddle and hug every Santa and snowman she could get her hands on. She found the long strands of silver beads we put on the tree and thought we had bought her a new necklace. She walked around the house dragging them everywhere.
Bella rarely smiles for posed pictures anymore. So in order to get a smile (even if fake) I ask her to show me her teeth and this is what I get..... :) I love it!!!

Emily, Brian & I worked on this gingerbread house for 3 hours. We were obsessed!!!

Marc & Ken hanging our Christmas lights last night.
Bella really wanted to help Dada.

She LOVES being outside and is memorized by all our leaves!

Bella's Christmas tutu!

Marc & Bella taking a nap... well it was 6am but hey, you get it when you can!
a little holiday decor...

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Um I think the one of her and the pup licking the door is my favorite from this batch!