Thursday, November 15, 2007

4 Months and growing...

Today we went to the doctor for our 4 month check up..... Bella is now 15lbs 5oz (90th %) and 25 inches (97th%)! Marc had to be at work due to his kitchen remodel, so my mom came with me for "shot support." The only problem was that she cried more than Bella did.... but we were both very thankful she came along!!! Next week we are headed to a pediatric eye specialist because Bella's left eye gets very droopy when she is tired and our pediatrician wants to make sure it is not effecting her vision. I am optimist because Bella got her "tired eye" from her Daddy and he's just fine!

Bella's going through a tounge phase....

Bella and her Nini...

Now that Bella has doubled her birth weight, she has started on solids.... well, cereal for now. We started off a little rocky....

...but after the introdution of the high chair, Bella seems to have taken very well to cereal. She loves her highchair because it allows her to sit up off the ground and be where all the action is!

I call this her "old man" face...

Bella's watch dogs!!!

My Mom and Dad have added a new member to their family.... Tucker!

He is so adorable and looks so cuddly but beware... he has sharpe teeth and in Tucker's eyes, Bella is the perfect chew toy. Needless to say, it might be awhile before they are best friends.

Everyone loves a naked baby picture!!!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Her faces are classic!!! Love the one of the tounge out and the cereal!