Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I love October!

I love October! The weather starts getting colder, you get to go pick out pumpkins and go on hayrides.... it's just fun!
Yesterday we took Bella to go pick out a pumpkin and unlike last year....

... there was no crying or pouting! :)

She had lot of fun looking at all the pumpkins but mainly enjoyed playing on the church playground nearby.

Mom asked Bella to kiss the horse, afterwards Marc said they were going to have to have a little talk about kissing! :)

When we got home, we got to work carving our pumpkins. Bella helped dig out the pumpkin guts and also thought she might have a little taste.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Many faces of Isabella Grace: Part II

Too cool for school face...
her incognito face...
the unhappy tiger face....
happy to have escaped, unclothed face...

looking for treasure face....
help me face...
unhappy tiger.... NOW with teeth ...
oooohhhh face...
her Scrooge face...
wondering if those are really growing out of my head face...
the puppy dog face...
all gums and proud of it face....
not getting my way face....
no need for explanation face...
her flirting face....
oooooo..... look what I found face...keeping an eye on you so you don't take her chocolate face...
little old man face....

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Moving Day!

YEA!!! We are finally in our new house. Last Wednesday was our first official night. There is still a lot to be done but for the most part, we have our little nest set up.
Marc unloading my parent's garage where all our boxes were stored.
Isabella's room
Painting the living room...
Post painting...
Before: entryway... Marc is 'hammering' up the original, not so beautiful tile and grout.
After: entryway

Before: breakfast area.... YIKES!
After: breakfast area
the rest of the kitchen
Before: formal dining (note the metallic, barren tree wallpaper on the left)
After: dining... we are still working on replacing the western star light fixture
I'll post more pics once everything is a little more in order.

Here are just a few quick pics of Bella

Cuddling with Tucker!
Spaghetti face
Lovin' her new purse and blowing kisses!
The boys always seem to be in her way...
... but she showed them who was boss! :)