Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Many faces of Isabella Grace: Part II

Too cool for school face...
her incognito face...
the unhappy tiger face....
happy to have escaped, unclothed face...

looking for treasure face....
help me face...
unhappy tiger.... NOW with teeth ...
oooohhhh face...
her Scrooge face...
wondering if those are really growing out of my head face...
the puppy dog face...
all gums and proud of it face....
not getting my way face....
no need for explanation face...
her flirting face....
oooooo..... look what I found face...keeping an eye on you so you don't take her chocolate face...
little old man face....

1 comment:

Michelle said...

WOW these are so cute! Well done on this little bugger sister! She is adorable!