Sunday, April 20, 2008

9 months and growing

I know I say this with every monthly update.... but I desperately want Bella to stop growing and stay this way forever! But then again, everyday she becomes more fun and I guess that ties in with growing! :) Bella's first tooth has finally made an appearance and it seemed to have very little effect on her.... other than a little fever.
There was little cooperation in this picture due to the strange new objects Mommy put on Bella's feet.

... and even after the newness of the shoes wore off, Bella rarely sit still anymore.

This is what most of my shots end up looking like. But she is still beautiful.... close or far!

Last week we went to the Dallas Arboretum with my friend Kathryn and her precious daughter Sophie.

Kathryn asked Sophie to sit down so I could take a picture of the two of them and Sophie sat on Bella's lap.

Bella gladly accepted the new seating arrangement. I was so cute!!!

I love this picture of Sophie... her skirt blowing in the wind.

Bella loved the pinwheel Kathryn brought.

After seeing Bella's excitement over Kathryn's pinwheel, how could I deny her her very own! Yeah, I know she is spoiled but it was only a dollar and she is too cute not to spoil! :)

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